Stop The Bleed
Uncontrolled bleeding is a major cause of preventable deaths. Approximately 40% of trauma-related deaths worldwide are due to bleeding or its consequences, thus establishing hemorrhage as the most common cause of preventable death in trauma. In this course, officers learn three important, quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out: 1.) How to use their hands to apply proper pressure to a wound; 2.) How to pack a wound to control bleeding; and 3.) How to correctly apply a tourniquet. A severely hemorrhaging victim can bleed out within 3 to 5 minutes - making quick, proper action to stop the bleeding a critical skill-set for all first responders.
Stop The Bleed
"Professionalizing first-line care to improve outcomes through quality training."
The Kheiron Group - All Rights Reserved 2025
"Professionalizing first-line care to improve outcomes through quality training."
The Kheiron Group - All Rights Reserved 2025
Stop the Bleed Uncontrolled bleeding is a major cause of preventable deaths. Approximately 40% of trauma- related deaths worldwide are due to bleeding or its consequences, thus establishing hemorrhage as the most common cause of preventable death in trauma. In this course, officers learn three important, quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out: 1.) How to use their hands to apply proper pressure to a wound; 2.) How to pack a wound to control bleeding; and 3.) How to correctly apply a tourniquet. A severely hemorrhaging victim can bleed out within 3 to 5 minutes - making quick, proper action to stop the bleeding a critical skill-set for all first responders.